OSHA Training Matrix

Employers are required to ensure their work force has received the appropriate training and are qualified to perform assigned tasks.

The following a basic reference tool for your use. 

  • OSHA General Industry 29 CFR 1910
  • OSHA Construction Industry 29 CFR 1926
Subject When Notes
Access to Medical and Expo-sure Records / Accident Reporting – Annual

 29 CFR 1910.1020(g)(1)

29 29 CFR 1926.3388

CCR 3204

Accident Prevention Signs and Tags – Initial

 29 CFR 1910.145(c)

8 CCR 2320 & 3340

Aerial Lift Operations – Initial

 29 CFR 1910.67(c)(2)(ii)

8 CCR 3298

General and equipment / site Specific.

Arc Welding and Cutting – Initial

 29 CFR 1926.351(d)(1) – (5)

29 CFR 1910.252(a)(2)(xiii)(C)

8 CCR 4799 & 6181

Asbestos Annual

 29 CFR 1910.1001(j)(7)

29 CFR 1926.1101(k)(9)

8 CCR 5208 & 1529 General & Site-Specific.

The specific subject matter to be covered in training depends upon exposures and activities.

Battery Charging Emergency Procedures Initial

 29 CFR 1910.268(b)(2)(i)

8 CCR 5185

Bloodborne Pathogens Annual

 29 CFR 1910.1030(g)(2)

8 CCR 5193 General and Site-Specific.For employees assigned duties where they might be expected to come into contact with blood or unidentified body fluids.

Code of Safe Practices Initial  8 CCR 1509 (Construction Industry)
Competent Person


Annual Refresher


 29 CFR 1926.6518

CCR 1504 General

8 CCR 1529(o) Asbestos

8 CCR 1541 Excavation

8 CCR 1670 Fall Protection

8 CCR Slab Construction Operations

8 CCR 6075 Pressurized Work-sites

Compressed Gas Cylinder Handling – Initial
Confined Space – Initial

 29 CFR 1910.146(g)

29 CFR 1926.21(b)(6)

8 CCR 5156-5159 General awareness and Site-Specific. Training is specific to duties and activities, including Entrant, Attendant, Supervisor, and Rescue.

Contractor Selection and Monitoring – Initial  Company Policy and Procedure
CPR/First Aid – Varies

 29 CFR 1910.151(b)

29 CFR 1926.50(c)

8 CCR 3400 Note: Frequency set by certifying agency

Defensive Driving 3 years Employees who will operate a vehicle for Company business.
Driving Safety – Initial Company Policy and Procedure: Generic.
Electrical Safe Work Practices  – Unqualified – Initial  29 CFR 1910.332(b)(2) General
Electrical Safe Work Practices – Qualified – Initial  29 CFR 1910.332(b)(3) General and Site-Specific
Emergency Action Plan – Initial

 8 CCR 3220

29 CFR 1910.38(f)

29 CFR 1926.35(e)Site-Specific.  Retraining is required if the plan changes or there is evidence of a need.

Employee Alarm Systems Initial  29 CFR 1910.165(d)(5) System-Specific. Required for individuals who will inspect, repair or maintain the systems.
Ergonomic Awareness – Initial Generic.
Ergonomic Work Practices Initial

 29 CFR 1910-10.2

8 CCR 5110

General. For employees whose job involves repetitive motion.

Evacuation Wardens Initial

 29 CFR 1910.38(e)

29 CFR 1926.35(e)(1)Site-Specific

Fall Protection – Initial

 29 CFR 1926.503(a)

8 CCR 1670 General and Equipment-Specific. Includes how to use harnesses and anchor points.

Fire Detection Systems – Initial

 29 CFR 1910.164(c)(4)

Equipment-specific. Individuals who will inspect, repair or maintain systems

Fire Extinguishers Annual

 29 CFR 1910.157(g)

8 CCR 6151 & 6181

General and Site Special.

Fire Prevention Plan – Initial  29 CFR 1910.39(d)Site-specific.
Fire Protection – Small Hose and Standpipe Initial*

 29 CFR 1910.158(e)(2)(vi)

8 CCR 6175

Equipment-specific. *Individuals who conduct inspections

Fixed Extinguishing Systems Annual

 29 CFR 1910.160(b)(10)

Equipment-specific. Employees designated to inspect, maintain, operate, or repair fixed extinguishing systems. Annual training is a review that knowledge is current.

Forklift Operation 3 years

 29 CFR 1910.178(l)

29 CFR 1926.602(d)

8 CCR 3469 & 3668


Hazard Communication – Initial

 29 CFR 1910.1200(h)

29 CFR 1926.598

8 CCR 5194

General and Site-Specific.

Hazmat Driver Initial

49 CFR 177.816

BIT Program requirements: General and material-specific.

Hazwoper Awareness Level – Annual

8 CCR 5192

29 CFR 1910.120(q)(6)(i)

29 CFR 1926.65(q)(6)(i)

General and site-specific. Ability to recognize release and make notification; training, or demonstration of competency or documentation of equivalent knowledge.

HAZWOPER First Responder Operations Level Annual

 8 CCR 5192

29 CFR 1910.120(q)(6)(ii)

29 CFR 1926.65(q)(6)(ii)

General  and site-specific. 8-hour training or demonstration of competency or documentation of equivalent knowledge.

HAZWOPER Hazardous Material Specialist Annual

 8 CCR 5192

29 CFR 1910.120(q)(6)(iv)

29 CFR 1926.65(q)(6)(iv)

General and site-specific. 24-hour training and demonstration of competency or documentation of equivalent knowledge.

HAZWOPER Hazardous Materials Technician Annual

 8 CCR 5192

29 CFR 1910.120(q)(6)(iii)

29 CFR 1926.65(q)(6)(iii)

General and site-specific. 24-hour training and demonstration of competency or documentation of equivalent knowledge.

HAZWOPER On-Scene Incident Commander Annual

 8 CCR 5192

29 CFR 1910.120(q)(6)(v)

29 CFR 1926.65(q)(6)(v)

General and site-specific. 24-hour training and demonstration of competency or documentation of equivalent knowledge.

HAZWOPER-Marine Oil Spill Response Workers under
OSHA’s Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response

29 CFR 1910.120(q)

OSHA CPL 02-02-051

General and site specific

Hearing Conservation – Annual

 29 CFR 1910.95(k)

8 CCR 5099

General and Site-Specific.

Heat Illness Awareness Prevention Plan Annual

 8 CRR 1509, 1510 3203, 3395,

General and Site-Specific.

Incident Investigation Initial

  CRR 3395

Generic. Includes basics of root cause and multiple cause analysis.

Injury-Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) Initial

 8 CCR 3203

Note:Must meet all 8 elements of the Standard

Ladders and Stairways Initial

 29 CFR 1926.1060

8 CCR 1675, 3275


Lead Annual

 29 CFR 1910.1025(l)

29 CFR 1926.62(l)

8 CCR 5198

Lockout/Tagout – Initial

 29 CFR 1910.147(c)(7)

8 CCR 3314, 2320,

General and Site-Specific.

Machine Operation Initial Equipment-Specific. Applies to machines such as drill presses, brake presses, lathes, etc. and should include safe operation and guarding requirements.
Personal Protective Equipment – Initial

 29 CFR 1910.132(f)

8 CCR 3380 – 3386

General and Equipment-Specific.

Powder-Actuated Tools Initial 29 CFR 1926.302(e)(1) and (12) Equipment-Specific.

Process Safety Management – General

Note: California has it’s own PSM Unit

3 years

8 CCR 5189

29 CFR 1910.119(g)

29 CFR 1926.64

General and Site-Specific.

Process Safety Management – Mechanical Integrity 3 years

8 CCR 5189

29 CFR 1910.119(j)(3)

Radiation, Ionizing Initial  29 CFR 1926.53(b)Generic.
Radiation, Non-ionizing Initial  29 CFR 1926.54(a) and (b)Generic.
Respiratory Protection –  Initial / Annual

8 CCR 5144

29 CFR 1910.134(k)

29 CFR 1926.103(c)(1)

Safe Handling and Use of Flammable Liquids, Gases & Toxic Substances Initial  29 CFR 1926.21(b)(5)
 29 CFR 1926.21(b)(3)
Scaffold Building – Initial

8 CCR 1637

29 CFR 1926.454(b)

General and Equipment-Specific.

Scaffold Safe Work Practices Initial

8 CCR 1637

29 CFR 1926.454(a)

8 CCR 1637

Site Clearing Initial

 29 CFR 1926604(a)(1)

General and Site-Specific.

Welding and Cutting, Arc Initial

 8 CCR 4851

29 CFR 1926.351(d)

Welding and Cutting, Gas – Initial

 29 CFR 1926.350(d)

8 CCR 4845

Welding, Resistance – Initial  29 CFR 1910.255(a)(3) Equipment-specific.
Woodworking Tools Initial  29 CFR 1926.304(f)General
Work Permit Issuer – Initial Company Policy & Procedure: Site-Specific.
Work Permits – Initial Company Policy & Procedure: Site-Specific.

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